Technology and Teaching

Technology is advancing more and more everyday in today’s world. There has been a lot of discussion on whether or not it should be used more in the classrooms and if teachers are even useful anymore because of technology taking over. The way that children interact with video games is being used to show how video games are not only useful for the fun of it. They are also useful in classrooms. The film Future Learning is a great example of showing how technology plays its role in the 21st century compared to teaching in the classrooms.

Growing up as a kid video games were not looked upon as a helpful learning tool. Since they have advanced greatly they have had a positive impact in today’s technological world. Not only has technology impacted the virtual world but it has also helped out a lot in schools and classrooms. Sugata Mitra said “If a child plays a video game they will keep trying to succeed even if it takes them 100 times to do so.” This goes to show that when children first encounter a video game their main goal is to win no matter how many tries it takes them. If teachers got a sense of how to make students turn their video game attempts into math problems attempts, for example, until they got it right then chances are children would enjoy learning it more.

Teaching has become more of struggle for students especially children. Their ability to be engaged and interested in a certain topic has become more difficult for them because they are not able to care enough to make it important enough for them to learn it. One of the main points from this video is whether or not technology is helping children in school. When children find out that they are going to play a game in class their reaction is full of excitement because they are looking forward to it. When the teacher announces that the class lesson for the day will be about the American Revolution for example, children most of the time groan at that because of how boring it sounds. It sounds boring to them because it means they are going to have to learn it. The excitement they feel about playing  game in class is because they are too focused on the game aspect and not the learning aspect. If teachers made it so that their lessons would involve some type of game oriented teaching then children would most likely be more focused on it.

Stress plays a big role in blocking your learning skills. “Learning happens when the mind is relaxed.” This quote means that learning is best when you are feeling at ease rather than stressed. When children find out that they will learn a new topic in school they become stressed because they being to think about having more material to focus on, having more homework build up, having more quizzes to take and with all of that they easily become less interested. Video games can be beneficial in this case because it helps the children be self motivated to solve a problem. They would play it over and over again until they got it right and this would benefit them by engaging them more into the material educationally.

This new era of virtual technology has brought up major concern about teaching in the classroom with the use of video games. The film Future Learning has inspired a new way to think about using technology in classrooms and how it could help children learn better and easier. How can children learn with stress and something they show absolutely no interest in when technology is a great way to help that situation? We need to change and adapt with technology to benefit the future of America.

Author: gabbay22

Hi! Welcome to my blog. My name is Gabby and I am a freshman at Plymouth State University. I am majoring in Psychology.

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